Search Results for “Animal Care” – ˿ Training Just another WordPress site Thu, 05 Sep 2024 10:30:23 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Your post-16 future starts with Jobs Growth Wales + /blog/2024/08/22/your-post-16-future-starts-with-jobs-growth-wales/ Thu, 22 Aug 2024 06:00:29 +0000 /?p=6541

The wait is over, the exam results are in and now GCSEs are officially behind you. It’s an exciting time, but for many it is also a time of uncertainty, posing the question ‘what do I do next?’

You might think that there isn’t much choice between formal education or an apprenticeship but ˿, Wales’ leading training provider, offers another option.

You might be ready to leave a classroom setting but need some support finding and securing a role that’s right for you – Jobs Growth Wales + (JGW+), a training and development programme for 16- to 19-year-olds, can bridge the gap between school and work.

JGW+ gives learners the skills, qualifications and experience to progress onto an apprenticeship, set up their own business or land their dream role.

And best of all you will earn whilst you learn -students also get paid up to £60 a week on top of a meal allowance of up to £19.50 a week.

JGW+ is split into two strands. ‘Engagement’ is a great starting point for anyone unsure what they want to do in the future, or who needs some support understanding what they could be working towards.

‘Advancement’ is for learners who have a rough idea of what they want to do or have a specific interest or career path in mind. As well as centre-based activities, those on the Advancement strand may take on work placements, projects within the community or voluntary work.

These opportunities will reflect what you’re interested in, and you’ll have the chance to experience a variety of activities that reflect what it’s like to work in specific professionalroles.

JGW+ courses include animal care, construction, automotive, health and social care and more, so you’re sure to find the perfect venture to suit you.

Leon Patnett, ˿’s head of youth engagement and training, who oversees JGW+, said: “Whether you got the grades you were hoping for or not, today is an incredible milestone and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved.

“It’s important to remember that you don’t need to have figured it all out at this point – it’s okay to explore different options and to work things out as you go.

“Our Jobs Growth Wales+ programme has been built to develop you based on your education, learning and wellbeing needs.

“Our aim is to develop all learners into healthy, confident individuals and ambitious, capable students.

“We have looked at where the skills shortages and jobs are and designed what we do to ensure that everyone has the best chance of future employment.”

If you would like to learn more about Jobs Growth Wales + you can find further details and courses here.

Wellbeing qualification gives teens key life lessons /blog/2024/06/10/wellbeing-qualification-gives-teens-key-life-lessons/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 08:55:06 +0000 /?p=6243
A qualification that helps teenagers to better understand key life topics has hit an important milestone.

The ‘Self Development and Wellbeing’ qualification, created by awarding body WJEC and training provider ˿, recently celebrated a year since its launch.

The Self Development and Wellbeing qualification was the first of its kind for both organisations and covers topics that young learners are likely to face in their day-to-day lives such as safely navigating social media, understanding personal identity, sexual health and money management.

Created over a two-year period, the qualification was developed by the experiences of learners attending Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+), with a focus on what teenagers would likely experience and what they may not have been taught elsewhere.

JGW+ is a ˿ training and development programme for 16 to 19-year-olds helping them acquire the skills, qualifications, and experience to progress into a career or further higher-level training.

Learners on the JGW+ programme typically choose a specialism they are interested in pursuing, such as animal care, construction or hairdressing. The Self Development and Wellbeing course is an additional qualification to add to their portfolio.

It is split into three main sections – resilience skills, personal identity and contraception.

JGW+ tutor Kayleigh Williams explained:

“The Self Development and Wellbeing award gives our learners a wider understanding of topics that they can be faced with in their day-to-day lives.

“The resilience topic covers a range of areas that support our learners’ self-developstrategies. For example, it helps to teach them breathing techniques to promote positive mindfulness. Learners are also encouraged to create journals which map out what they need to do to lower stress levels and anxiety.

“The personal identity module looks into differentbackgrounds and communities and how our learners fit into the world.

“The third unit, contraception, covers different methods of contraception, how they’re used, where learners can go to get them, and the importance of keeping themselves safe.”

Laura Callaghan, Qualifications Officer for Skills and Pathways at the WJEC added: “We are delighted to see the growing uptake and successful delivery of our Self Development and Wellbeing qualification. This unique qualification has been designed with our learners in mind, providing them with a wealth of transferable skills and an alternative route to employment.

“We are extremely grateful to ˿ for their passion and hard work in the delivery of this qualification. The quality of work being presented from their learners is a testament to their ability to engage and inspire them. “
˿ welcomes Economy Minister to our Cardiff Skills Centre /blog/2023/05/18/act-welcomes-economy-minister-to-our-cardiff-skills-centre/ Thu, 18 May 2023 14:00:59 +0000 /?p=4823 ˿ welcomed Vaughan Gething MS to its Hadfield Road Skills Centre to meet with staff and, most importantly, hear from the young people who continue to benefit from Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) since it launched just over a year ago.

First introduced in November 2021, the Young Person’s Guaranteeprovides under 25s in Wales the offer of support to gain a place in education or training, find a job or become self-employed, and has supported more than11,000 young people to find jobssince.

˿ has been a key driver in achieving this as the leading provider of the JGW+ programme in Wales, as such ˿ staff and learners joined representatives from Careers Wales and partner organisations – in the opportunity to meet with Mr Gething and feedback on their experiences of delivering and benefitting from the programme first-hand.

Leon Patnett, Head of Youth Engagement & Training at ˿, said: “We are delighted to organise and host this event, bringing our valued partners together, giving them the opportunity to experience our JGW+ provision first-hand and meet our fantastic staff and learners.”

The JGW+ programme really does offer a valuable opportunity for our young people, some of who are facing significant challenges, to grow and develop, preparing them for their next steps in life. As we head into year two of the programme, we look forward to supporting many more young people in achieving their goals.

The Young Person’s Guarantee brings together a range of programmes and initiatives for young people that aim to enhance employability, enterprise, and skills provision to provide the right support, at the right time, for the diverse needs of young people across Wales.

The JGW+ programme performs a key role in this effort by providing young people aged 16-19 with training focused in three different areas – Engagement, for those beginning to think about a career, Advancement for those with an idea of where they’d like to be and Employment, for those looking to get into work asap – all of which is fully funded.

Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething MS, said following his meeting with those completing the programme at ˿: “Through our Young Person’s Guarantee, the ˿ is fully committed to investing in the lives of young people who need a helping hand to achieve their full potential.

“It is inspiring to hear how young people, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds, are accessing support such as Jobs Growth Wales+ and with the help of our partners such as ˿ and Careers Wales, are now looking positively towards their futures.”

“Through our National Conversation we will continue to engage and listen to young people as we shape the support we provide.,” he added.

Eighteen-year-old Jess Stiff is currently a JGW+ Advancement Level 1 Animal Care learner. She said of the programme: “I didn’t have a clue what to do when I left school and left and worked in retail and as a housekeeper but hated them both. Then I heard about ˿ and Jobs Growth Wales+, the fact that I could work and learn at the same time.”

“I’m hopefully going to get a placement at a riding school which I am really looking forward to and I absolutely enjoy everything about what I’m doing now. It’s great.”

Nina De-Freitas left school two years ago and didn’t have a clue what to do next. Now 18 and having studied animal care with ˿ for the past two years. Thanks to the programme now has a clear career path and starts a course at Pencoed College studying Animal Care Level 3 in September.

Nina said: “School wasn’t for me, I hated it, so it was great when I found ˿. The tutors treat you like an adult and the people I learn with are fab too.”

Long term, the Young Person’s Guarantee is designed to ensure 90% of 16 to 24-year-olds are in education, employment, or training (EET) by 2050, which is one of the ˿’s National Milestones for improving the well-being of the people of Wales.

As part of this aim, JGW+ is open to anyone living in Wales aged 16-19 years old and not in full-time education, employment, or training as a flexible programme designed around the individual learner’s needs.

˿ offers comprehensive support to learners, including a weekly training allowance of up to £60, a daily meal allowance, and assistance with travel expenses. In addition, learners receive support in finding work, route-specific qualifications, and other resources to help them succeed.

Finding flexibility and real-life skills with Jobs Growth Wales+ /blog/2023/05/18/finding-flexibility-and-real-life-skills-with-jobs-growth-wales/ Thu, 18 May 2023 10:46:53 +0000 /?p=4772 After finishing school, Shannon Morris, 16, from Barry, joined ˿ and enrolled onto the JGW+, programme as it offered her the flexibility she needed to balance her education alongside her care responsibilities.

Shannon is currently on the Advancement Strand of the Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) Programme; a training and development programme for 16–19 year olds helping them acquire the skills, qualifications, and experience to get a job or get into further training. Understanding that no one person is the same, the JGW+ programme is entirely unique and tailored to suit the needs of the individual learner.

As well as preparing for the world of work, Shannon is also retaking her English and Maths qualifications, as part of her Essential Skills, while also seeking a work placement. With many different pathways open to her, Shannon is curious and keen to try everything.

I’m very open to anything at this stage. There’s lots of things I’m capable of doing so I’m keeping my options open. I’ve been learning so much with ˿. It’s really helping me develop and learn useful skills like understanding the job interview process. I created my CV with ˿ and it’s been so helpful having the support and feedback about what employers want.

As well as learning valuable skills on JGW+, ˿ also offer Enrichment Days for learners. These are designed to expose young people to unique environments and situations, in order to build confidence. Enrichment Days can range from learning animal care and food skills at Jamie’s Farm in Monmouth, to exciting day trips across South Wales.

“˿ is really exciting. It’s like a family here and it’s really easy to get stuff done and my tutors are very supportive. I’ve learnt how to communicate a lot better and I feel so much more confident going for a job interview and knowing what’s expected of me in the workplace.”

As a primary carer for her mother, Shannon finds the JGW+ programme very flexible towards her care commitments and enjoys learning valuable real-life skills in preparation for employment. Shannon also participated in the Barclay’s Life Skills programme, a course delivered in partnership with Business in the Community, which is designed to help young people learn about managing and balancing finances. Shannon feels ˿ offers a unique learning experience for young people who are exploring their options.

“I’d definitely recommend ˿ to other young people. I think it’s a great place to go for guidance and a good option if you don’t want to go down the traditional route of college. I suffer with social anxiety so it’s a case of managing that so I can keep moving forwards. I have a lot of support around me which is great. I’m not sure what I want to do next but I know there’s a lot I can do and I have a lot to offer.”

To find out more about JGW+ head here

˿ learner, Kavan Cox, secures Silver at WorldSkills 2022 /blog/2022/11/30/kavan-cox-secures-silver-at-worldskills-2022/ Wed, 30 Nov 2022 16:25:51 +0000 /?p=4140 ˿’s JGW+ learner, Kavan Cox, took Silver in the Foundation Skills: IT Software Solutions for Business category at this year’s WorldSkills National Finals 2022.

WorldSkills supports young people across the world via competitions-based training, assessment and benchmarking, with members’ national teams ultimately testing their ability to achieve world-class standards in the biennial ‘skills olympics’. More than 500 young students and apprentices took part in finals in over 60 disciplines held at seven venues across the UK. The finals were announced on Friday 25 November 2022 at a live online ceremony hosted by Steph McGovern from her Channel 4 Packed Lunch Studio.

Kavan Cox, 19, is one of those people who just lights up the room when you talk to him. With a contagious, thunderous laugh and cheeky sense of humour, his welcoming presence immediately puts you at ease. It hasn’t always been this way for Kavan though. Sadly, his school experience left him withdrawn, anxious and doubting his capabilities.

“School was very difficult for me. I found teachers to be very authoritarian and there was a lot of bullying happening among students. A counsellor in school suggested I get in touch with ˿ as they felt it would be a good fit for me. Learning and earning for me is a huge bonus, so when I realised I’d get paid for attending too, I was delighted.”

Kavan is currently studying Business Services on the Advancement Strand of the Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) Programme; a training and development programme for 16–18 year olds helping them acquire the skills, qualifications, and experience to get a job or get into further training. Understanding that no one person is the same, the JGW+ programme is entirely unique and tailored to suit the needs of the individual learner.

In addition to learning valuable skills, ˿ also deliver Enrichment Days for learners as part of the JGW+ programme. Enrichment Days are designed to expose young people to unique environments and situations, in order to build confidence.

“I love the Enrichment days! I’ll be honest, exercise isn’t usually my thing but I love animals and will give anything a go, so I especially loved our visit to Jamie’s Farm. I got a greater understanding of how people can work collaboratively and it was amazing to see how different peoples’ lives can be from my own. We also went to Barry recently and got involved with the beach clean-up which was great. We’ve been to Big Pit, St Fagan’s and we’ve even had a Sports Day at Ynys Hywel as well. We’re learning lots and have access to opportunities that we wouldn’t necessarily get to do at school.”

Despite being with ˿ for just a year, the transformation Kavan has undergone is extraordinary. His confidence has soared leading him to challenge himself to compete in skills-based competitions. In addition to securing Silver at WorldSkills 2022, Kavan also secured Gold at the Skills Competition Wales 2021/2022 competition for his performance in the Customer Service Level Category. He credits his success to the confidence and skills he has gained since joining ˿.

My social and communication skills have developed massively since I started at ˿. It’s definitely made me much more socially aware. As part of JGW+ we learn lots about communication with customers. Everything from professional behaviour to how to direct customer attention to products. I’m learning really valuable skills for how to behave in the workplace.

Kavan is once again feeling excited about his future and the career opportunities available to him. He wasn’t sure what his prospects would be after leaving school, but now he hopes to work in a museum at some point and follow his passion for history. His year with ˿ has made him realise, anything is possible!

“I was so nervous joining ˿ at first, especially after my school experience, but since I’ve started the JGW+ programme I’m so much more confident. I feel like I’m back to my own self before I was bullied. I’ve become that cheery, ‘can do’ person again. ˿ really is a safe space for young people to learn and grow.”

If you’re unsure of your next steps after school but like the idea of a unique learning experience tailored to your needs, then get in touch with our team today.
029 2270 7070

“I’m a lot more confident when speaking to all different people!” /blog/2022/09/20/im-a-lot-more-confident-when-speaking-to-all-different-people/ Tue, 20 Sep 2022 15:34:35 +0000 /?p=3483 Animal lover Caitlin Smart wasn’t sure of her next step after leaving school, but she’s just been appointed as Ambassador at Jamie’s Farm in Monmouthshire, after impressing staff!

The 17-year-old said a trip there hugely boosted her confidence. The five-night stay was part of the Jobs Growth Wales+ (JGW+) programme, delivered by ˿, Wales’ leading training provider.

Having grown up “surrounded by pets”, she said her Level 1 Land Based Studies qualification, in the JGW+ programme, is “perfect” for her and her ambition to work with animals.

JGW+ is a training and development programme specifically for 16–18-year-olds looking for the skills, qualifications, and experience to find employment.

“When I first got to Jamie’s Farm I was very nervous,” she said. “I had just started my course, so I didn’t really know anyone. I was a bit homesick, but soon I really enjoyed it and I didn’t want to go home! I think this was because of meeting new people and making new friends – plus being around animals! There were cows, pigs, horses, sheep, chickens and more!”

Caitlin feels the residential trip to Jamie’s Farm, which provides farming therapy experiences to help young people thrive, had a transformative effect!

I’m definitely more confident with speaking to people now. I used to be very shy and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Now I’m happy to!

Staff at the farm were so impressed with Caitlin’s personal growth, they selected her for the role of Ambassador. Each Ambassador is chosen having demonstrated potential and shown exceptionalleadership skills. Jamie’s Farm runs five separate sites, including Monmouthshire, Bath and Hereford, and the young Ambassadors of each site meet regularly to share ideas.

Harley Clarke, Animal Care Tutor at ˿, said Caitlin has developed greatly since starting the JGW+ programme and she’s often selected as a mentor for new learners at ˿’s Cardiff Skills Academy, on Hadfield Road.

She explained: “During her five-night stay at Jamie’s Farm, Caitlin made new lifelong friends, developed her confidence and knew that working with animals was what she wanted to do.”

As part of her course, Caitlin has also been working at Walnut Tree Farm Park, outside Newport, where she answers customer questions about the farm’s many horses, cows, sheep and even alpacas.

Caitlin thoroughly recommends ˿ and the JGW+ programme to anyone who is unsure of their options after school, especially if they’re interested in animals.

“Young people should definitely try JGW+ programme, especially if they like working with animals. It will help you become more confident with others, as you have to work in a group. Before the course, I was very shy and didn’t really want to talk to anyone, but now I’m a lot more confident with speaking to all different people!”

To find out more about Jobs Growth Wales+ and other opportunities available at ˿, clickhere.

“They’ll learn new things and get the chance to work with animals!” /blog/2022/05/18/theyll-learn-new-things-and-get-the-chance-to-work-with-animals/ Wed, 18 May 2022 15:16:34 +0000 /?p=3469 Dog lover Gareth Jones is helping others learn canine care, by working with ˿ – the organisation that put him on the path to opening a celebrated pet salon.

The 29-year-old Caerphilly native learned his skills at the leading training provider, which has a centre on the town’s Market Street, plus many more across South Wales.

Along with partner Jack Pullin, he founded dog-grooming service in 2018, and they have just opened a new premises in Bedwas.

Gareth used his own training to get where he is today, so he wants to help others in Caerphilly enter the unusual industry of preening pooches! He’ll take on Animal Care Learners from ˿ on placements at Pupperazi this year, providing valuable work experience for a popular profession.

He said: “We‘ll be giving young people the opportunity to work with us in our busy salon, to help them learn new things and give them the chance to work with animals. We’ll also be helping the young people learn about business.”

Gareth has just returned from the world’s most-prestigious dog show, Crufts, and those he guides on placements at Pupperazi will learn how to present pets for any podium!

At the new Pupperazi shop at Unit 8/9 Afon Court, Bedwas, customers can have their dog expertly groomed, while a wide selection of pet toys and RAW Supplies treats are also on sale.

˿ is the place to help young people go somewhere in life. Also, Pupperazi will teach them skills in-house, to support their love of animals. ˿ is passionate about helping young people get the jobs they want and the skills needed to secure these jobs.

The original Pupperazi store was in Mountain Ash. Now, this young entrepreneur is happy to keep jobs and training in the Caerphilly area, so the town he loves can continue to thrive.

He added: “Being based in Caerphilly is amazing as I’m from Caerphilly and we can bring the best to the Caerphilly town.”

Lewis Bowden, Programme Manager at ˿, added: “I’m really pleased that Gareth is now giving back to our learners, by providing them with such a fulfilling and beneficial work placement opportunity.”

If you’re 16-18 yrs and interested in working with animals, visit our JGW+ page

Animal Care & Land-based Studies /courses/animal-care/ Sat, 12 Mar 2022 20:28:19 +0000 /?post_type=course&p=2517 About this course

If you’re passionate about animals and agriculture, a career in this sector will reward you with doing something you love every day. From animal charities to veterinary practices, zoos to national parks, there are a huge range of jobs to explore where you can make a difference with a caring, hands-on role.

Alisha celebrates gold from WorldSkills UK! /blog/2021/12/02/alisha-celebrates-gold-from-worldskills-uk/ Thu, 02 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000 /blog/2021/12/02/alisha-celebrates-gold-from-worldskills-uk/ Talented ˿ learner Alisha Thomas triumphed at the WorldSkills UK finals!

Judges named her a gold-medal winner, after her engaging presentation on vital diet changes. The bright 18-year-old delivered a healthy-eating talk, aimed at someone recovering from a stroke. She explained how a better diet could prevent it from happening again, for the contest, held remotely, on Friday November 19. She’s the first ˿ learner to win a medal at WorldSkills UK!

On winning this award, Alisha said:

I am very happy and proud of myself for winning and I would like to give a massive thank you to Kath, Jon, my family and the members of staff at ˿ for encouraging and helping me with the competition.

Earlier in the year, Alisha was presented with another amazing gold medal, from Skills Competition Wales, for her impressive educational storyboards, based on the popular children’s book, The Gruffalo.

She brought Julia Donaldson’s much-loved modern fairytale to life, with craftily-decorated pieces of card and painted wooden spoons. The display explained the story of the Mouse, Snake, Fox and Owl characters, and the important lessons they learned, by encountering the titular Gruffalo.

Alisha, who loved The Gruffalo book all her life, was overjoyed to win! She said:

When I found out I won the Skills Competition Wales, I was extremely surprised and proud of myself! It is an amazing accomplishment.

The animal lover, from New Tredegar, Caerphilly, is currently studying Level 1 Childcare with ˿. She discovered ˿ through a family member, who helped her find a course to help reach her career goal of working as an early childhood educator or childcare worker, in a primary school or nursery.

She said ˿ tutors have been an incredible support and massively boosted her confidence. Every time I am struggling with a piece of work or an activity they will always help me,” she explained. “Not only this, but they assure you that you are able to do things that you feel like you are not able to do and that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.

She added: “I have developed many skills in ˿ that will benefit me in the future. I have learned how to work independently and in a team. They have helped me with my communication skills and have built up my confidence massively. One of the skills I’ve learned is problem solving and with the career I want to do, there will be many times you will have to think on the spot and come up with a solution, so this skill will benefit me massively in the future and help me be more employable.”

She further learned how to bathe a baby correctly, change nappies and do bottles – all important for working in childcare. She’s now putting her skills into practice at First Steps Daycare in Aberbargoed, where she’s enjoying a placement.

If Alisha’s story has inspired you to follow a career in Childcare, find out more about our Level 1 Care qualification here, or get in touch to find out more!

A Parent’s Guide to Traineeships /blog/2019/11/14/a-parents-guide-to-traineeships/ Thu, 14 Nov 2019 00:00:00 +0000 /blog/2019/11/14/a-parents-guide-to-traineeships/ As a parent or guardian, you play a crucial role in supporting your child to explore the opportunities available to them for life after school. It can be difficult to know where to start but it’s important to arm yourself with the latest information and resources. This is where we come in.

You may not have heard of a Traineeship before but it offers a hands-on alternative to the continual demands of essays, exams and studying, that college and university entails. So what can your child expect instead? Read on to find out.

What is a Traineeship?

A Traineeship is a fantastic work-based learning programme that helps 16-18 year olds become work-ready, whilst gaining a Level 1 qualification (Apprenticeships start at Level 2). With your child having spent most of their time in school or college, our Traineeships give them a helping hand progressing from education to the workplace!

What qualifications are on offer?

We know it can be difficult for your child to decide what they want to do after school, and it’s okay if they aren’t sure which career path they want to go down. Our programme enables them to try tasters in different routes, with support from our Opportunities Advisors, before settling on the right one for them.

We offer a range of Level 1 qualifications to choose from, which are:

  • Automotive Engineering
  • Animal Care & Land-based Studies
  • Beauty
  • Business Services (Business Admin, Customer Service, Retail)
  • Care
  • Construction
  • Hairdressing & Barbering
  • Hospitality & Catering
  • IT

What is involved day-to-day?

Your child will attend one of our Skills Centres and will have a dedicated tutor to help them progress through their qualification, as well as working on their employability and essential literacy and numeracy skills.

They will also be provided with an exciting work placement, which they will attend when not in the Skills Centre (how many days per week your child will be on placement varies by route and employer).

Your child will also have access to an Essential Skills Tutor to develop key literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills, experience a wide variety of inspirational guest speakers and have the opportunity to go on educational trips.

Care, Support and Guidance

We have a highly skilled team with extenstive industry experience to ensure your child receives all the support and guidance they need to progress through their qualification. This includes extra support services to help all our learners make the most of their ˿ experience.

All learners on ˿ programmes can take full advantage of the following services:

Additional Support: Learners can access a range of additional learning support to enable them to complete their learning programme. This may include a post enrolment assessment, specialist software, personal support and reasonable adjustments during assessments, such as additional time, reading and/or scribe support.

Attendance and Wellbeing Officers (AWO): Each Skills Centre has a dedicated AWO to support your child with their attendance and wellbeing, and to ensure they are as engaged with their learning as possible throughout their time at ˿.

Learner Rep: We have a full-time Learner Rep who is there to represent your child and make their voice heard. If they have any feedback, concerns, or thoughts on their training then they can book in for a coffee and catch up with our Learner Rep.

In-house counsellor: Whatever your child may be experiencing, whether it’s an issue relating to their learner journey, or problems outside their qualification, our support team are on hand to assist with their welfare. Our experienced in-house counsellor will always provide the time and space needed for your child to talk privately about their troubles and help resolve any issues. Sessions are confidential, maximum an hour in length, and only the individual and the counsellor will be present during the sessions.

Safeguarding Officers: Similar to our in-house counsellor, our team of safeguarding officers are there for learners’ welfare and will support them with any problems. If your child has any concerns around this, they can contact their Assessor who will be able to put them in touch with an ˿ Safeguarding Officer.

Owen James, father of Traineeship learner, Darren James

“I would strongly recommend ˿ to anyone whose child is looking to find a way forward with education or employment. Staff were encouraging and caring with both our sons; they helped both boys, not only with their education and learning, but patiently helped them to overcome their various challenges. They were supportive and friendly to the young people and parents. Not minding if we contacted them to find out how our children were doing.

“With the support from his tutors, Darren was awarded learner of the year in the Motor Vehicle department and is now in his second year of an Apprenticeship with Edwards Coaches.”

Does a Traineeship sound like the right path for your child? Find out more here, or get in touch with our Opportunities team today on 029 2046 4727 or

You might also be interested in our Parent’s Guide to Apprenticeships.
